Eye Complaints

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Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eyelid and eye and can be caused by a cold, infection, allergy, irritation from pollutants, a foreign body, windburn or exposure to too much sun. Homoeopathic remedies can help to reduce inflammation and ease … Continued


Little ones starting and adjusting to a day care environment and new carers can come with all sorts of emotional stress which can undermine the child’s health and well-being. Homoeopathy can provide excellent support and if illness becomes chronic, can … Continued


During the adolescent years the teenager is developing a strong drive to separate from the parents and family in preparation for independent living. As we know this can create enormous conflicts incorporating excitement, fear and sometimes aggression. As parents it … Continued

Post Partum

The following suggestions may help women deal with common symptoms and difficulties experienced after delivery. It is not suggested that homoeopathy take the place of medical care, rather that it allows you to deal with problems that may otherwise go … Continued

Wellness at Work

For many Australians their workplace is an environment where they are breathing recycled air and in some cases harmful chemicals. They may also be confined by an unnaturally sedentary lifestyle, work under pressure and stress, often travel regularly for work … Continued

Stress and Worry

Emotional stress such as that caused by worry, grief or shock, major life-changes such as moving home or school and workplace stress can leave us drained and prone to illness. Homoeopathy can provide excellent support and when illness has become … Continued

Sleep Disturbances

It’s hard to imagine anything more blissful than 8 hours of a deep undisturbed sleep. Apart from the rest and restoration many functions that are important to good health are carried out while we sleep. For varying reasons most of … Continued