Dental Health

The maintenance of healthy teeth and gums and regular dental care is vital to your overall health and well being. You can use homoeopathic remedies to support the body’s healing process during dental treatment and to assist in healing and … Continued

Cold Sores

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If cold sores are chronic, recurrent or severe despite using the indicated remedies seek professional homoeopathic advise to choose a deep acting remedy that addresses the underlying weakness. Possible remedies include: Cantharis for cold sores with an intense burning sensation, the blisters … Continued

Homoeopathy for Skin Conditions

posted in: Skin Disorders | 0

You can use homoeopathy for all sorts of skin conditions from acne to warts, and everything in between.Useful remedies include: Apis: urticaria with skin that is swollen, hot, red, very itchy and burning.Alumina: dry rough chapped skin. Intolerable itching when getting warm in … Continued