This kit contains homoeopathic remedies that traditionally have been used for symptoms associated with sport injuries.
Aconite 30c This remedy has traditionally been used for symptoms of shock or fright with agitation, restlessness and fear, eye injuries, cuts.
Bryonia 6c This remedy has traditionally been used for symptoms associated with swollen, red, hot joints where the person is irritable, wants to lie still and be left alone and pain is much worse from movement.
Rhus Tox 6c This remedy has traditionally been used for symptomatic relief of painful stiffness especially around joints from overstrain where the person is better from movement and worse after lying or sitting.
Ruta Grav 6c This remedy has traditionally been used for symptoms of sprains and strains of joints or injuries where bones are bruised stiffness, pain, weakness and weariness.
Arnica 30c, Hypericum 6c, Emergency Drops 5x This combination of remedies has traditionally been used for symptomatic relief of bruising, bleeding, trauma, stress and shock and may help support regeneration of nerve tissue in the event of injuries.
Always read the label and follow directions for use. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using these remedies. If symptoms persist consult your health care professional promptly.
Special Price: Now $43.50