Hepar sulph has traditionally been used for symptoms associated with cold sores, herpes and eczema with suppuration. It may also be useful for the symptoms of croup or a barking rattly cough with yellowy mucous.
Always read the label and follow directions for use. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum – Calcium sulphide
Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.
This remedy has an action on the nerves, connective tissues, respiratory membranes and the glands of the body. It is useful for conditions associated with the skin and mucous membranes. There is an oversensitivity to pain, touch and cold.
The slightest draft can bring on a cold or croup symptoms. They like to be well wrapped up and are very chilly.
Mental/Emotional symptoms
A vulnerability to external influences and a sensitivity to the least aggravation both mentally and physically where the reaction is disproportionate to the stimulus. There may be displays of violent outbursts over the most trifling matter. They feel a constant need for security whether it is money, position or comfort and are very affected by emotional stresses and have dreams about fires.
Physical symptoms
Head: Boring pain in the right temple and root of nose every morning; scalp sensitive and sore; skin irritation along forehead worse after washing; cold sweat on head.
Face: Yellowish complexion; middle of lower lip cracked; pains in the bones of the face worse for touch. Shooting pain on opening jaw.
Eyes: Eyes and lids red and sore; pain in eyes ‘as if pulled back into head’, boring pain in upper bones of the orbits, eyeballs sore to touch; pain during daytime only; thick yellow mucus discharge.
Ears: Discharges that smell like old cheese; whizzing and throbbing in ears with hardness of hearing; better for warmth and covering, sensitivity to touch and cold wind.
Nose: Air feels cold in the nose and sneezing when exposed to cold, dry wind. Runny noses with discharges that smell like old cheese; boring at the root of the nose with catarrhal and headache symptoms.
Respiratory: Cough worse on going to sleep; or on exposure to cold dry air; loses voice or hoarseness when exposed to dry cold wind; loose, rattling cough worse in the early morning; anxious wheezing with moist breathing, lung complaints of exhausted old people. In croupy states there are paroxysms of cough brought on by cold air.
Throat: Splinter like pain on swallowing extending to ears. Sensations as if ‘a plug’ on swallowing and there is a feeling as if ‘there’s a stick’ in the throat area.. Yellow mucus. Recurrent throat conditions which suppurate. Useful where Aconite does not help symptoms that come on after cold, dry winds.
Skin: Chapped skin with deep cracks on hands and feet; papules prone to suppuration; chronic and recurring ulcers that are very sensitive to touch; unhealthy skin where every little injury suppurates and heals poorly. Wants to be wrapped up. Itchy skin in bends of elbows and behind knees, cold sores.
Pains: Stitching and stabbing pains.
- Splinter or needle-like pains; hypersensitive to pain
- Irritable and angry when ill or in pain
- Suppurations with yellow-green discharges
- Cold sores, herpes and acne
- Sore throat with splinter like sensation
- Ear pain with throbbing
- Hoarseness and noisy, rattly cough
- Croup, after Aconite and Spongia
Exciting causes
- Cold
- Slightest draft
- Becoming uncovered
Better: Warmth; damp weather; wrapping up especially the head
Worse: Cold; cold winds and drafts; touch; right side
Desires: Vinegar; pickles; condiments; alcohol
Aversions: Strong cheese; butter; fatty foods
Compare to: Aconite, Spongia, Calc Sulph, Sulp, Silica, and Staphysagria.
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