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Lycopodium may be beneficial for anxiety around performing eg. public speaking or exams for fear of failing. The patient is generally irritable and often sarcastic, has headaches from low blood sugar as a result of not eating, digestive uneasiness including “butterflies” in stomach, diarrhoea or very loose stools and lots of wind.

Always read the label and follow directions for use. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

Lycopodium clavatum – club moss

Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.

Lycopodium has its primary action on the digestive system and the liver, with symptoms being worse from 4-8 pm. Ailments begin on the right side and then spread to the left. The person feels better for warm drinks and worse for cold foods and drinks.

Mental/Emotional symptoms

A lycopodium picture may reveal itself by the behaviour of a person. They may demonstrate an insecurity or anxiety about themselves or the world especially when they are overwhelmed with too much to do. This insecurity can be expressed as low confidence in situations where they are uncertain i.e. at school or work but they can be bossy, headstrong, demanding easily irritated and have a dislike for contradiction when they feel secure i.e. at home. This may show up later in the relationship children have with their mothers as they get older. As children they may have fears about monsters, ghosts, strangers or animals attacking them along with digestive symptoms and may be preoccupied with their looks.

Physical symptoms

Head: Skin on scalp becomes dry, inflamed, itchy and flaky. Headaches worse by missing a meal or in adolescents who crave sugar or have irregular meal times; lying down, stooping or during menses. The temples feel as if screwed together, headaches start on one side then travel to the other side becoming worse.

Ears: Humming and roaring in the ears, making it hard to hear; sounds create peculiar echoes; discharges behind the ears that are moist and oozing.

Eyes: Half open during sleep; styes on lids; ulceration and redness of lids; night blindness.

Nose: Acute sense of smell; the nose is often congested and snuffly with symptoms worse at night on lying down and in the morning from accumulation of mucous at night which may be dry or crusty. The discharge is thick and may be yellow or green in colour.

Mouth: Blisters on tongue and corners of mouth; teeth painful to touch; dry mouth and tongue without thirst; mouth waters. Children may be fixated on putting their fingers in their mouth constantly.

Throat: Recurrent right sided sore throats which are better from warmth; swelling and pain worse for empty swallowing; stitches on swallowing; better for drinking warm water. Dry throat without thirst.

Chest: Colds that easily travel to the chest; recurrent respiratory illnesses. Tickling deep hollow cough. Rattling breathing that is worse when lying on the back. Mucous may be salty, greenish-yellow, lumpy and foul.

Stomach: Hungry, but feels full quickly. Wakes at night feeling hungry. The abdomen feels bloated and full, especially after eating. Sense of fermentation in abdomen-like yeast working. Noisy flatulence, creating distension and pain. Colic in babies with lots of gas. A feeling as if there is a tight band across the abdomen. Shooting pain from right to left. Stomach complaints associated with anxiety.

Back: Burning pain between the shoulder blades. Pain in the small of back. Pain on the right side.

Pains: Aching pressure, drawing pain, worse on right side; worse 4-8 pm.

Skin: Varicose veins; skin conditions when associated with the above digestive disorders; violent itching; brown spots on face and abdomen. Sticky, smelly perspiration from the feet and arm-pits smelling like onions. Thick, dry and itchy skin.

Female: Raw or split skin of the nipples in nursing mums. Delayed menses, last too long or too profuse. Painful menses that may cause fainting. Headache in the temples during menses.

Urination: Frequent need to urinate during the night. Pain in the back before urination, which is slow to flow. Cloudy urine.

Rectum: Stool hard, small and difficult to expel. A feeling as though much more remains. Constipation from travelling. Aching haemorrhoids which are painful to touch. Diarrhoea.

Limbs: A feeling of heavy numbness. One foot hot, the other cold. Tearing, sharp pains in the buttocks and legs, worse on the right side, making it hard to sleep. Varicose veins. Burning pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints.

Sleep: Wakes unrefreshed and feeling cross or frightened. Anxious dreams of death or accidents. Drowsy during the day. May laugh or weep while asleep.

Food: Desires sweets, hot food and hot drinks especially around 4 pm when their energy dips. Discomfort from flatulent foods such as cabbage, beans, oysters and onions. Food may taste sour. Aversion to bread. Ravenous or no appetite.

Temperature: A feeling of chill between 3pm and 4pm, followed by sweating. Feels as though the bed is made of ice. Chills come one after the other.

Keywords: Intellectual; confidence, fearful; flatulent; bloated; craving sweets.

Exciting causes: Ill effects of fear, anger, contradiction, fever or anxiety. .

Better: Fresh air, movement, hot food and drink.
Worse: 4-8pm, cold, on waking in the morning, right side, oysters
Desires: Sweet foods, hot food, hot drinks
Aversions: Cold food, onion, meat, coffee, cabbage, beans, starchy foods.

© Owen Homoeopathics

diarrhoea, digestive upsets, grumpy old men,homeopathic books, loose stools, lycopodium,materia medica, organic,wind