Tonic Remedies

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As we know homoeopathy is great for treating a myriad of acute complaints, however there is also great benefit in occasional doses of the remedies known for their tonic action to support your child on a deeper level especially during times of rapid growth, development, stress and change. Along with dietary and nutritional adjustments these mineral remedies can have a tonic action and help maintain wellness and a healthy, vigorous vitality and zest for life. Some of our favourite tonic remedies include: Calc phos: This remedy has a tonic effect at times of rapid growth, it helps with the assimilation of nutrients and therefore growth, digestion, glandular swellings and the like. Consider a course of Calc phos when your child is growing quickly with a poor appetite and is tired, whingy, bored and discontented. They are prone to headaches, tummy aches and growing pains especially during the teenage years. They are stressed nutritionally due to rapid growth and change and are also under immense pressure to learn and study. It is a major remedy for headaches in schoolchildren and students. It is also indicated for loss of motivation caused by diminished energy following rapid growth or disappointments in relationships, leading to a state of apathy, aggravation from mental and physical exertion, peevishness, obstinacy and in some cases the characteristic sighing. There can be a sense of dissatisfaction, boredom and a desire for change and travel. There can be a strong feeling of restriction with a desire to move and break free. A unique symptom of the remedy is: “Desires to go home and once there, desires to go out” is indicative of the restlessness and inability to find a place where they can settle and feel at peace. Ferrum phos: Anaemic states where the person is tired and pale can be helped by a course of Ferrum phos. This especially applies after loss of body fluids such as from mechanical injury, haemorrhage, dehydration. The most important benefit of Ferrum phos is the ability to combat all types of infection and inflammation. It also helps to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and thus improves the body’s ability to distribute oxygen-rich blood and iron to all cells, thereby facilitating healing. Kali mur:  Acts as a glandular tonic. A deficiency of this mineral salt results in thick, white discharges affecting skin and mucous membranes. Well suited to glandular and chronic rheumatic swellings. Other key symptoms include white coated tongue and light coloured stool. For conditions affecting the respiratory system – coughs, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, glue ear, as well as digestive disturbances, especially from eating fatty or rich food. Kali phos: Due to its tonic action on the nervous system this remedy is known to nourish and support at times of stress, study and overwork. They can become irritable, melancholic and run down. Nervous exhaustion after overwork or great mental effort. Silica: Suits delicate children made tired, nervous and stubborn by schoolwork and in little ones by slow, difficult teething. Tired all the time with inability to fix the attention. Low resistance to colds. Like Calc phos it helps support the uptake of nutrients in cases of malabsorption and malnutrition with poor or no appetite. Factsheets: Download and print our Factsheets, Remedy Pictures, Remedy Guide or refer to our Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber book, eBook or free information available through our website to select remedies for specific symptoms. Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how it’s done here! Dosage & Administration: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved. Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms. Remember to factor in the time difference as WA is 3 hours behind the Eastern States during daylight savings. Animal Newsletter: Subscribe here. Gift Voucher: Our new online Owen Gift Voucher is now available. Owen homoeopathics 443 Great Eastern Highway REDCLIFFE  WA  6104 P: 08 9277 9565 E: