From a homeopathic perspective Hayfever is best treated with a carefully selected constitutional remedy for a sustained result, however relief may be obtained with the use of acute homoeopathic remedies as well as tissue salts, vitamins and minerals and herbal combinations which all have a part to play in strengthening the system.

Attention to spring cleansing the liver after winter can also lessen the allergic response. Limit the intake of dairy and refined starches to reduce production of mucus and increase your Vitamin C and Magnesium levels with supplements. It can be helpful to fit air filters over open windows and fire places and efficient draught excluders to doors to keep irritating pollens out.

The following information may be helpful and relates to homoeopathic remedy pictures and information available in traditional homoeopathic texts. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using any homoeopathic remedy. Always read the product label. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

Our Hayfever complex is popular and may be helpful for acute relief of symptoms, it contains remedies such as Allium 6c, Sabadilla 6c, Euphrasia 6c, Pollens 12c and Tissue Salts.

If you prefer to use a “simplex” remedy for the acute symptoms choose from our home prescribing book or the remedies listed below. When choosing acute remedies it is important to pay attention to your particular local symptoms and try to start the acute treatment of your allergies immediately you sense the problem arising or better still several weeks before the onset of the “season” for best results.

Allium: Allergies every spring, often begins with sneezing. Burning smarting light sensitive eyes producing bland tears (as if chopping onions). Acrid, watery discharge irritating the upper lip, sore nostrils. No sense of smell and the nose feels blocked despite the running discharge. Tickling and burning in the throat. Dry, rasping, tearing cough. Better open air.

Arsenicum: Burning eyes, thin watery tears, light sensitive. Violent and painful sneezing caused by a tickle in the nose. Profuse watery burning discharge which irritates the upper lip. Dry irritating cough and burning swollen throat, unable to swallow. Restless, chilly, worried and exhausted.

Euphrasia: Eyes swollen, red and burning with acrid, sticky, irritating discharge. Fluent watery discharge from nose. Cough with phlegm. Symptoms worse indoors, from heat and wind.

Gelsemium: Eyes ‘Heavy’ and swollen, better in the open air. Violent sneezing with tingling in the nose and streaming irritating discharge which is worse in the morning. Sore throat, like a lump in the throat. Dry cough with sore chest and oppression. Apathetic, listless, giddy and trembling.

Nux vomica: Smarting, light sensitive eyes. Stuffy nose, obstructed breathing. Itching inner ears. Dry cough with sensation of something loose, brings on a bursting headache. Migraine type headache, worse stooping. Irritable, nervous, chilly and oversensitive.

Sabadilla: Watery eyes with red burning eyelids. Nose stuffed up or running freely and itchy. Spasms of sneezing. Very sensitive to smells eg. flowers. Sore or tickling throat, better for warm drinks. Chilly.

Sanguinaria: Mucous membranes very dry with a raw burning sensation in the ears, nose and throat and sneezing with profuse burning secretion. Burning soreness in the chest extending to the abdomen. Hacking cough, worse at night. Better for sleep and in the dark. Hypersensitive to smells and thirsty.

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