Homoeopathy for Emotional Ups & Downs

posted in: Emotional, Grief, Stress and Anxiety | 0

Emotional stress such as that caused by worry, grief or shock, major life changes such as moving home or school and workplace stress can leave us feeling miserable, drained and prone to illness. The great news is that well-chosen homoeopathic remedies can address many of these emotional ups and downs such as separation anxiety, isolation, sadness, indifference and anger.

When emotional issues are intense or chronic please seek professional advice and assistance.

Ignatia is a great remedy to think of for helping us cope with all sorts of grief, loss and disappointments in life. For symptoms accompanied with much sighing and yawning, sleep disturbance and an empty, hollow feeling.
Other remedies include Sepia when feeling dragged down and overwhelmed by family worries and responsibilities, Arsenicum for those feeling anxious and busy with a strong desire to keep things perfectly clean and organized, Cocculus for those suffering sleep loss and worry over loved ones, Pulsatilla when needy and clingy, great for kids starting or going back to school and Nat mur for emotional patterns resulting from long term emotional strain or loss.

Fact Sheets: Download and print our Stress and WorryEmotional Ups & Downs and Back to School Fact sheets or refer to the Owen book or eBook Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber, to select remedies for specific symptoms.

Always read the label and follow directions for use.

Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how it’s done here!

Dosage & Administration Of Remedies: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.

Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms.

Home Prescribing Class: Ring or email to book. If you are country based or interstate you can access the full class on CD or DVD available at your local stockist, or through our website.

Newsletter Subscription: Follow this link to receive monthly Animal information emails.

 Owen Homoeopathics

P: 08 9277 9565

E: owen@h-e-c.com.au
