Positive Pregnancy & Birthing with Homoeopathy

Whilst the processes of pregnancy and birthing are truly miraculous, they’re also extremely demanding on the individual physically, mentally and emotionally. Homoeopathy is a wonderful system of medicine for ensuring optimal health through uncomplicated pregnancy’s, birthing and the postnatal period. You can use Homoeopathy for many associated ailments such as morning sickness, constipation, heartburn, emotional ups and downs, post birth healing, milk supply and much more, a few examples are listed.

Pregnancy: Sepia for nausea, constipation, irritability, thrush. There is indifference to loved ones and there may be a heavy, dragging feeling. Sulphur for constipation, flatulence, indigestion, restless legs; symptoms worse for bathing and heat of the bed. Pulsatilla for haemorrhoids, thrush, heartburn, emotional ups and downs; feels better for fresh air and crying.

Birth: Arnica for trauma, bruising and pain relief. Pulsatilla for weepy clingy women who are quite changeable. Sepia or Kali carb for lower back pain. Chamomilla for great irritability and sensitivity to pain. Carbo veg for exhaustion during labour, with desire to be fanned.

Caesarian or Episiotomy: Staphysagria assists in healing of incised wounds and also for feelings of suppressed anger, resentment and violation. Arnica for trauma, bruising and pain relief.

Postnatal Period: Arnica & Hypericum for supporting the healing process.  Mag phos for spasmodic and cramping after pains.  Pulsatilla feeling weepy, clingy and unpredictable. Ignatia for any feelings of loss or disappointment.  Sepia for irritability with a desire to be left alone, may not even want to feed the baby.

Breastfeeding: Belladonna for engorgement, breasts feel red, hot and throbbing; excess milk supply. Pulsatilla feeling oversupply or undersupply in timid, weepy women.  Phytolacca for cracked nipples, lumpy breasts. Urtica urens when milk supply is low or overabundant.

Fact Sheets: Download and print our Mother & Baby & Homoeopathy Info Sheet and Breastfeeding Fact Sheet or refer to the Owen book or eBook Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber, to select remedies for specific symptoms.

Always read the label and follow directions for use.

Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how it’s done here!

Dosage & Administration Of Remedies: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.

Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms.

Home Prescribing Class: Ring or email to book. If you are country based or interstate you can access the full class on CD or DVD available at your local stockist, or through our website.

Newsletter Subscription: Follow this link to receive monthly Animal information emails.

Owen Homoeopathics

P: 08 9277 9565

E: owen@h-e-c.com.au


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