
posted in: Children, Worms | 0

Commonly presenting in preschool and school aged children; intestinal worms though very annoying can be often be addressed quite easily.

Intestinal worms develop from swallowing the eggs, which travel to the lower intestine and hatch. During the night the worms move to the anus to lay their eggs and this is what causes the associated ‘itchy bottom’ symptom. Other possible signs of infestation include picking the nose, general irritability and not sleeping well.

There are a number of homoeopathic remedies that are understood to assist the body in the expulsion of intestinal worms, and some examples are listed below. These remedies may help stimulate the vitality and increase resistance to intestinal worms and repeat infections; they may need to be used for a week or two at a time especially around the full moon when worms are understood to be more active.

The following information may be helpful and relates to homoeopathic remedy pictures and information available in traditional homoeopathic texts. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using any homoeopathic remedy. Always read the product label. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

Ant crud: Irritable, peevish children, can’t bear to be touched or looked at. Warm blooded. Anal itching and burning. Diarrhoea alternates with constipation. Distention, flatus and rumbling tummy.

Calc carb: Ravenous appetite in growing children. May be obstinate (although not angry like Cina) & prone to nightmares. Diarrhoea of undigested food. Crawling and constriction in the rectum. Calc carb is a valuable remedy to eradicate the disposition to worms, it suits growing children very well. If your child responds well to this remedy it can be repeated at intervals, even in conjunction with other indicated remedies, to help with the process of growth, change and adjustment.

Cina: Produces the perfect picture of the ‘wormy’ child; very cranky, sensitive and easily offended, averse to touch and may hit and pinch others in anger. Conversely they may demand to be carried. At night they may grind their teeth, bed wet, cry out during sleep and/or have nightmares. Sickly, pale face with dark rings around the eyes and sometimes a bluish tinge around the lips. They are extremely hungry or have a variable appetite. Picking and boring in the nose. Twisting pain around the navel & itching at the anus.

Spigelia: Nausea and a sensation of worms rising. Mucousy stool, itching, crawling and tickling in rectum & anus. Timid, restless and anxious. Abdominal pains are piercing and sharp and there may be a fear of pointed things.

Teucrium: Itchy bottom and itchy nose, itchiness worse in evening, child restless in sleep, complains of crawling sensation in rectum after passing stools.

We also recommend and include in our Worming kit a Tissue salt combination that aids the body in the expulsion of intestinal worms.

What Else Can you Do?

As well as the homoeopathic treatment, consume foods with anti-parasitic properties to help build further resistance; these foods include garlic, coconut, pumpkin seeds, beetroot and carrots.

Support the immune system with supplements such as Vitamin C and Zinc, and also by reducing refined, sugar laden foods, including those with hidden sugars; these not only put extra load on the immune system but also the sugar feeds the worms.

Simple preventative measures include washing hands prior to eating, after playing outside and after toileting; discouraging children from putting their hands and fingers in their mouth, and also keeping fingernails clean and trimmed. Drink plenty of water and consume high fibre foods to encourage proper elimination of the bowels.

Download, print or share Back to School or Intestinal Worms Factsheet or Tots to Teens and Animals Info Sheet

Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how it’s done here

Dosage & Administration: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.

Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms. Remember to factor in the time difference as WA is 3 hours behind the Eastern States during daylight savings.

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