Digestive Upsets

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Most of the time our digestive system is remarkably resilient and forgiving considering what we inflict upon it however as we age it can be more difficult to maintain balance and the result can be nausea, gas, irritating acids, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhoea or constipation.

The following remedies may be very helpful to relieve acute symptoms however complicated and chronic digestive symptoms often require the attention of a qualified practitioner to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

Arg nit: Bloating and distension especially in nervous, fearful types. Craves sugar and sweets and is much worse for it.
Arsenicum: Vomiting and diarrhoea with burning pains, better from warmth. Restless, exhausted and thirsty for sips. Food poisoning and traveller’s diarrhoea.
Carbo veg: Upper part of the abdomen bloated, tight and tense. Constant belching and wind. Desires fresh air.
China: Abdominal distention, rumbling and wind. Weakness and debility after prolonged diarrhoea or loss of fluids. Vomiting, great weakness and bitter taste.
Ipecac: Nausea not relieved by vomiting. Asthmatic cough with nausea. Diarrhoea in spasms; offensive, yellow-green and frothy.
Lycopodium: Lower abdominal bloating with wind and loud rumbling. Often worse after 4pm. Craves sweets and is hungry but easily satiated.
Mag phos: Cramping, spasmodic pain and bloating better from warmth and pressure.
Mercurius: Diarrhoea; worse at night with great straining and ‘never done’ sensation. Sour smelling or offensive. Never feels finished.
Nux vomica: Cramping pain 2-3 hours after eating. Worse from over-indulgence of rich or spicy food or too much alcohol. Nausea, heartburn and heavy bloated feeling. Constipation.
Pulsatilla: Gas and rumbling; worse after rich foods, ice cream and fats. Nausea and possibly vomiting. Stool changeable in colour and frequency.
Veratrum album: Cold sweat, exhaustion and dehydration. Diarrhoea and vomiting with severe cramping pain; worse from slightest movement.

Factsheets: Download and print our Digestive Upsets Factsheet or Travel Info Sheet, Remedy Pictures, Remedy Guide or refer to our Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber book, eBook or free information available through our website to select remedies for specific ailments.

Always read the label and follow directions for use.

Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how it’s done here!

Dosage & Administration Of Remedies: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.

Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms.

Home Prescribing Class: Ring or email to book. If you are country based or interstate you can access the full class on CD or DVD available at your local stockist, or through our website.

Newsletter Subscription: Follow this link to receive monthly Animal information emails.


Owen homoeopathics
443 Great Eastern Hwy
Redcliffe WA 6104

P: 08 9277 9565

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