Constipation can affect persons of any age from the very young to the elderly and for many different reasons. Triggers can include changes in a person’s routine, or environment, travelling to different time zones, pregnancy, dietary changes, poor dietary choices, sedentary lifestyle, stress or medications.
There are many possible homoeopathic remedies to consider; the most common ones are listed below. Try to choose a remedy that is indicated on the mental/emotional level as well as the physical symptoms to help unlock the underlying cause.
Recurrent or chronic constipation despite your best efforts indicates the need for a constitutional prescription and should be addressed through consultation with a qualified practitioner to resolve the underlying problem.
The following information may be helpful and relates to homoeopathic remedy pictures and information available in traditional homoeopathic texts. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using any homoeopathic remedy. Always read the product label. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.
Alumina: There is often little or no urge to use the bowels; with difficulty passing either soft and sticky or hard and knotty stools. May suit constipation in babies fed on artificial baby foods and formula.
Bryonia: The stools are large, dry, hard and difficult to pass, the person is irritable with a great thirst for cold drinks. There is often an accompanying severe headache with a dry mouth and the desire to be left alone and stay still.
Calc carb: This remedy is often suited to chubby babies that sweat easily around the head, especially at night. Prone to constipation and when it occurs in babies and children they generally feel better for it. There may be cravings for ice cream, eggs or sweets.
Ignatia: For constipation that presents during a cold, with sharp stabbing pains that can shoot upwards, with pressure and tightness felt in the rectum. Symptoms often feel better for walking.
Lycopodium: Constipation with frequent passing of smelly wind, bloating and abdominal distention, especially after eating starchy food. The stool can be hard, small and unsatisfactory; symptoms are worse in the afternoon but improved by fresh air, movement and warm food and drinks.
Nat mur: Stools may be little balls or hard, dry and crumbling; they are passed only with great straining and effort. There is a feeling of being ‘unfinished’ even after passing a stool. On an emotional level the person is usually serious, sensitive and may be suffering silent grief or resentment.
Nux vomica: Stools may alternate between constipation and diarrhoea. There is frequent urging and straining but only a little is passed leaving the person feeling bunged up and irritable. This problem can be the result of over-indulgence, changes to routine, weaning or disrupted sleep. There may also be haemorrhoids with itching, irritability and stitching pain radiating up the spine after passing a stool.
Sepia: The abdomen feels full and the stools are hard and large, but straining does not assist in their elimination. There is a heavy, dragging sensation like a weight or ball in the rectum with exhaustion and irritability. Constipation that is worse with hormonal changes such as around menses, during pregnancy or at menopause.
Silica: Stool that is painful to expel with much straining, then retreat back into the rectum, a ‘bashful stool’. There may also be a burning pain after eventually passing the stool.
Sulphur: Habitual constipation, there is frequent desire but the stool is hard, dry, burning and difficult to pass. For haemorrhoids accompanying the constipation with a burning rawness and itching sensation. Worse from bathing and warmth.
Other possible remedies include Aesculus, Nat phos, Nit acid, Veratrum.
What Else Can I Do:
Diet and lifestyle are important factors when addressing constipation and haemorrhoids. Water helps waste products move smoothly through the digestive system. Fibre also assists in ensuring efficient movement of waste material, however increased intake must be met with adequate water to help swell the fibre and push the bulk through the system. Regular Exercise is essential in reducing stress and anxiety and decreasing the time it takes for waste products to be processed and eliminated.
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