There are many possible causes of headaches in children including eyestrain, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, growth stress, toxicity, sleep loss, digestive disturbances and emotional stress such as grief, worry and anger.
When choosing a remedy the type of headache is not as important as matching the symptoms of the headache to the remedy. Consider the remedies below as well as those described in the Headaches Factsheet. A long lasting or severe headache with fever requires a professional opinion.
Calc phos: This remedy is very helpful at times of rapid growth, it acts as a tonic and helps support calcium metabolism and the uptakeĀ and assimilation of nutrients. When the body needs Calc phos there may be fatigue, headaches, tummy aches, swollen glands and leg pains. Emotionally the child is whiny, bored and discontented. There can be a craving for salty foods such as bacon and chips.
Gelsemium: Dull, congestive headache and a heavy, drowsy feeling. Tight band around the head especially across the forehead. This type of headache is usually associated with flu symptoms or else when suffering anticipatory anxiety over a coming event.
Kali phos: This remedy acts as a tonic for the nervous system and is very valuable when children are studying hard or under stress. The headache is accompanied by humming in the ears.
Nat mur: Hammering headaches preceded by misty vision or zig-zag lights. Especially suited to reserved children who are averse to company and consolation and who may be harbouring a stewing resentment over something.
Nux vomica: Frontal headache with piercing pain and tension in the neck, especially after over-work, late nights or over-indulgence. Especially suits people who are staying up late and studying too hard.
Factsheets: Download, print & ask for Emotional Ups & Downs, Grief, Headache, Stress & Worry, Study & Exams, Teenagers, Tots to Teens & Tissue Salts Factsheets, Remedy Pictures, Remedy Guide or refer to our Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber book, eBook or Free Info available through our website to select remedies for specific ailments.
Opening Your Remedy: Watch how we do it!
Dosage: As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved. Download How To And When.
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