Post Viral Remedies

Many people we speak to are suffering the effects of ‘post viral’ symptoms.    We are finding the following remedies, sometimes in conjunction with a remedy made from the particular virus, to be helpful in overcoming this malaise when chosen based … Continued


During the adolescent years the teenager is developing a strong drive to separate from the parents and family in preparation for independent living. As we know this can create enormous conflicts incorporating excitement, fear and sometimes aggression. As parents it … Continued

Kids Headaches

posted in: Children, Headache, Homoeopathy | 0

There are many possible causes of headaches in children including eyestrain, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, growth stress, toxicity, sleep loss, digestive disturbances and emotional stress such as grief, worry and anger. When choosing a remedy the type of headache is … Continued

Tissue Salts

posted in: Tissue Salts | 0

Tissue Salts were so named by Dr Schuessler who stated that the human body contains twelve vital mineral (tissue) salts and a proper balance of these salts is required for normal cell function. Several of these tissue salts are included … Continued