Gelsemium: A great remedy for shyness and anticipatory anxiety; when people don’t have the confidence that they can cope and anticipate even simple things with fear and dread. They become weary, apathetic, withdrawn, preoccupied and can’t think from the stress of anticipating an event. May suffer from headaches with drowsiness, trembling, weakness, heavy droopy eyes, frequent, painless diarrhoea, flu symptoms and restless, fitful sleep.
Kali phos: Mental and physical overwhelm or despair from excitement or worry. This is an excellent nerve tonic to use along with other indicated remedies during times of change and stress such as exams and performance. Include other remedies as indicated.
Lycopodium: Low self esteem with a lack of courage and confidence that can be covered up by bravado or over talking. Terrified of public speaking but does well once started. They suffer many fears and dread responsibility, commitment and taking on new things, though they work hard and do well in spite of their nerves. Irritable, tension stemming from insecurity, overwhelm, apprehension and a fear of failure. They are usually compliant at school or in challenging situations but may be bossy, irritable and sarcastic at home where they feel secure and confident. Digestive uneasiness including ‘butterflies’ in stomach, diarrhoea or very loose stools, lots of wind. Like Argent nit they crave sweets and suffer wind and digestive problems from anxiety.
Spring is upon us and so are Hayfever symptoms for many people. The Owen Hayfever complex is enormously popular for acute relief of symptoms. It’s especially useful for people who can’t identify a simplex remedy to suit them and contains remedies such as Allium 6c, Sabadilla 6c, Euphrasia 6c, Pollens 12c and Tissue Salts.
Dosage & Administration: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.
Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms. Remember to factor in the time difference as WA is 3 hours behind the Eastern States during daylight savings.
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Owen homoeopathics
443 Great Eastern Highway
P. 08 9277 9565