
It’s amazing how quickly a simple sniffle can move on to a heavy cold during the colder months. Homoeopathy can help when the cold symptoms are making you miserable.  If you have missed the first stage when Aconite may have stopped progress, think about Ferrum phos for its anti-inflammatory action and Kali mur with its symptoms of thick clear discharge and congestion. 

Later in the cold as the discharge becomes thicker, ear and sinus congestion and pain can appear. Hepar sulph suits people who are sensitive to drafts and take cold easily; the discharge is thick and yellowish with a rough, barking, and noisy cough. When faced with thick bland yellow green mucous and a blocked nose mainly indoors, a dry mouth and little thirst, think Pulsatilla especially if clingy and needy. Kali bic is indicated for a sinus headache when you are either so congested there is no discharge or the discharge is thick, stringy and yellow or green.

Factsheets: Download, print & ask for Cold & Flu, Coughs & Croup, Ear Complaints, Fevers, Sinusitis, Sore ThroatTissue Salts Factsheets, Remedy Pictures, Remedy Guide or refer to our Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber book, eBook or Free Info available through our website to select remedies for specific ailments.

Customer Support: With many people being required to or opting to have the new va((ines we recommend supporting the immune system with additional Vitamin C as well as homoeopathics known to support the process including a specific remedy. Contact our helpful staff for advice.

Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how we do it! 

Dosage: As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved. Download How To And When 

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