
Little ones starting and adjusting to a day care environment and new carers can come with all sorts of emotional stress which can undermine the child’s health and well-being. Homoeopathy can provide excellent support and if illness becomes chronic, can … Continued


During the adolescent years the teenager is developing a strong drive to separate from the parents and family in preparation for independent living. As we know this can create enormous conflicts incorporating excitement, fear and sometimes aggression. As parents it … Continued


According to Dr Keith Souter ‘our senior years should be a time to look forward to, a time to ease back and enjoy life. Unfortunately it can also be a time when health problems, bereavements and all sorts of other … Continued


posted in: Colds and Immunity, Coughs, Ear Pain | 0

A fever is usually an indication of increased activity on the part of the immune system, most likely in response to infection and is a good sign showing that there is an ability to react. The action of the homoeopathic remedy is not to kill the bacteria directly but rather to stimulate the immune system to do the healing. If … Continued