Homoeopathy and Menopause

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Some of the difficulties experienced during menopausal years are due to adjustments we need to make in the regulation of fluctuating hormones and eventually lower hormonal levels.  As menopause is not something to be ‘cured’ but rather a transitional process, be prepared to repeat indicated remedies at intervals as needed.  Choose remedies that fit both the physical and the emotional symptoms.Belladonna: Hot flushes that are sudden and intense. Red face with congestion, pulsation and throbbing.

Bryonia: Indicated for dryness and thinning of the mucous membranes expressing as dry eyes, vagina, skin, chest weakness and constipation with dry, hard stools. Irritability and aversion to being disturbed.

Nat Mur: Irregular menstrual periods that are either scanty or profuse. For dryness of the vagina, fluid retention and a tendency to prolapse.  They feel trapped, resentful, irritable and aggravated by consolation.

Pulsatilla: Changeable symptoms that are worse from heat and better for fresh air; hot flushes, mood swings, weepiness, self doubt, low confidence, poor concentration. They seek comfort and consolation.

Sepia: Irregular periods that can be either scanty or the bleeding heavy with a dragging, bearing down feeling, hot flushes, fainting and anxiety. Vaginal dryness with aversion to sex. Very irritable, indifferent, feels like running away, they just want to be left alone.

Sulphur:  Hot flushes with heat and burning throughout the body especially in the palms and soles. Hot feet that feel better put out of bed covers to cool. Drowsiness during the day with frequent waking during the night.

Other remedies to consider are Argent nit, Calc carb, Lachesis, Staphysagria – download the fact sheet for remedy pictures.

Fact Sheets:  Download and print our Menopause fact sheet, Women info sheet or refer to the Owen book or eBook Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber, to select remedies for specific symptoms

Opening Remedy Vials: Watch how it’s done here!

Dosage & Administration: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.

Customer Support: Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms. Remember to factor in the time difference as WA is 3 hours behind the Eastern States during daylight savings.

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Owen homoeopathics
443 Great Eastern Highway
P: 08 9277 9565
E: owen@h-e-c.com.au