Students often become overwhelmed and frazzled in the lead up to their exams and find homoeopathy great for minimising stress and calming the nerves. Ideally prepare in advance by selecting and having on hand the best indicated remedies.
Argent nit: Good for “nerves” due to worry about coming events, especially appearing before an audience. Anxious, nervous, excitable, talkative, impulsive and craving sweets which can upset their digestion.
Other useful remedies:
Aconite: for acute anxiety, agitation and restlessness before an event like exams or giving a presentation. Arsenicum: for restless anxiety, apprehension and dread in high achievers who may become overly fussy and fastidious. Gelsemium: this is a great remedy for anticipatory anxiety; when people anticipate even simple things with fear and dread. Listless, drowsy, withdrawn and can’t think. Kali phos: headache, weakness and exhaustion in students worn out by fatigue. An excellent nerve tonic during times of stress. Lycopodium: performance anxiety with a fear of failure. Feels overwhelmed by expectations. Irritable and craves sweets. Nux vomica: generally jittery, anxious and inclined to be hostile and pick quarrels. Prone to overindulge in coffee, food or alcohol to keep going. Wide awake between 3 – 5 am and then wakes cranky and irritable. Silica: difficult concentration and poor memory in teens who lack physical and mental stamina and fear failure and being overwhelmed by too much work. Diligent and detail oriented.
Factsheets: Download and print our Study Stress Factsheet, Remedy Pictures, Remedy Guide or refer to our Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber book, eBook or Free Information available through our website to select remedies for specific ailments.
Repetition of doses:As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.
Customer support:Phone or email the Owen dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms.
Home prescribing class: Phone or email to book. If you are country based or interstate you can access the full class on CD or DVD available at your local stockist, or through the website.
Newsletter subscription:Follow this link to receive monthly Animal information emails.
Owen homoeopathics
443 Great Eastern Hwy Redcliffe WA 6104
P: 08 9277 9565 E: