Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eyelid and eye and can be caused by a cold, infection, allergy, irritation from pollutants, a foreign body, windburn or exposure to too much sun. Homoeopathic remedies can help to reduce inflammation and ease discomfort in conjunctivitis and other eye complaints.

Eye tissues are extremely sensitive and it is vital that you treat all symptoms seriously; if significant improvement doesn’t take place quickly in acute symptoms or if symptoms recur it is wise to seek professional advice.
The following information may be helpful and relates to homoeopathic remedy pictures and information available in traditional homoeopathic texts. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using any homoeopathic remedy. Always read the product label. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.
Aconite is for inflammation after injury, removal of foreign object, or exposure to cold wind. Sudden onset of symptoms with dry, sore, burning eyes.
Allium is indicated when the eyes are swollen and red with acrid, burning discharge and accompanied by sneezing. They feel worse from wind, light, and being indoors; and better from being in the open air.
Apis may help swollen, shiny, puffy eyes. They are red, watery and stinging; with whites inflamed, reddened and bloodshot. Cold applications relieve.
Arsenicum for burning pains with hot tears and light sensitivity. There is a sensation of grit under the eyelids; and the skin on the lids can be dry and scaly.
Belladonna sudden onset of symptoms; the eyes are bloodshot, red and very painful. They may be staring and glassy with dilated pupils, and worse for light.
Euphrasia is helpful for profuse hot, burning tears with red lids and a feeling of grit or sand. There can be thick yellow pus from the inner corner and a strong desire to blink to clear the mucous.
Hepar sulph for symptoms of conjunctivitis with extreme sensitivity to touch and cold. Eyelids are red and inflamed with a yellow discharge.
Mercurius is suggested for conjunctivitis accompanied by cold symptoms; there may be severe burning pain and burning tears. Eyelids are swollen, red, irritated and scurfy.
Nat mur is useful for a blocked duct, ulceration and inflammation, with symptoms of itching, burning and profuse watering. There is a constant desire to rub the eyes, with a gritty feeling and red, sore lids.
Pulsatilla is commonly needed for conjunctivitis in children. ‘Sticky eye’ with profuse yellowish-green, bland discharge especially on waking; the eyelashes stick together. Itching and burning with a sensation of sand in the eye. Also indicated styes.
Silica is indicated for blocked tear ducts or recurrent styes, especially in the inner corner. There may be a gritty sensation within the eye.
Sulphur for eyes that are inflamed, hot, dry and burning. The eyelids are red and swollen in the morning and can look tired and droopy.
Recovery after eye surgery
Apart from the usual surgery remedies, Arnica for bruising and swelling and Hypericum for nerve damage, consider the following:
Aconite is the principle remedy, considered to be the Arnica of the eye, shock and healing. Ignatia for violent pains in temples. Rhus Tox for pains shooting into head. Bryonia, pains worse from any movement and accompanied by vomiting. Thuja with stinging pains in temples. Ledum helps disperse bruising.
What else can I do:
Inflamed eyes can be cleansed using a clean cotton wool pad for each eye and working from the inner eye outward. Use cool boiled water alone or add a few drops of calendula & hypericum or eyebright tincture. Chamomile tea bags that have been steeped in hot water for a few minutes and then cooled may also reduce redness and inflammation when used as a compress.
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Dosage & Administration: Click here for how to and when. As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved.
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