Homoeopathy and Surgery

Sometimes surgery is necessary! The good news is that there is help at hand to get you through the pre-surgery nerves right through until you have recovered fully, both in the mind and body.

Having a positive attitude can be a great advantage in preparation for surgery, however often our nerves overcome us. Homoeopathic medicines can really help with anticipatory anxiety. Gelsemium is the first remedy to think of and should be taken as needed prior to surgery. If it doesn’t fit how you are feeling consider Aconite, Argent nit, Chamomilla or Lycopodium.

To prepare the body for surgery consider using Arnica 30c (or 6c) on the day before surgery and on the morning of surgery and also Pyrogen 30c, once on the day prior to surgery and continued for a few days after. If you react to anaesthetics Phosphorus taken before surgery can be helpful.

Arnica has an excellent reputation for surgical shock, and for the bruised sore feeling following surgery, and Hypericum, also known as ‘the Arnica of the nerves’ helps with nerve damage and repair. To make it easier they can be combined in one bottle and even added to the water jug so it can be sipped frequently for the first 24 hours and then as needed for several days. Staphysagria helps the body to recover, on a physical and emotional level, from incised wounds especially in the genital or lower abdominal area. Hysterectomy, caesarean, prolapse repair, haemorrhoids, circumcision, vasectomy etc. After deep abdominal surgery there can be deep pain despite the use of Arnica, use Bellis perennis. If the surgery has been to areas of the body which involves bone, cartilage and periosteum such as joint, dental and open heart surgery (where the rib cage is opened) Ruta grav.

Recovering from surgery or serious illness can be a slow process. Time and patience may be required but the process can be accelerated or stimulated by the use of remedies such as Carbo veg and Kali phos. Lycopodium or Carbo veg help reinstate digestive function.

Factsheets: Click on Accident & Injuries, Broken Bones, Convalescence, Sports Injuries, Surgery Tissue Salts Factsheets Free Information, Blog, Fact & Info Sheets, Health Topics, Remedy Pictures, Remedy Guide or refer to the Owen Book Homoeopathy for the Home Prescriber available through our website to select remedies for specific ailments.

Opening Your Remedy: Watch how we do it! 

Dosage: As a general rule you should reduce the frequency of doses of a remedy as it starts to act and not continue once the situation has resolved. Download How To And When.  

Customer Support: 20+ years of providing homoeopathic remedies across Australia. You can always call the Owen Dispensary to help select remedies for specific symptoms. Remember to factor in the time difference as WA is 3 hours behind the Eastern States during daylight saving.

Home Prescribing Class: Thank you to everyone who joined our final in-person Home Prescribing Class last Saturday! Since 1993, Jan Owen has taught over 150 classes, empowering people to care for their health with homeopathy. While in-person classes are ending, we’ll continue offering sessions via Zoom. Over the years, Jan has covered everything from children’s health to animal care and essential oils. It’s been a joy sharing this journey with all of you. Here’s to many more years of learning together—virtually! 

Class Video Download: We have recorded our popular home prescribing class so that you can watch or listen at home as often as you want or need to. A must-have for busy people. Order your Video of the Class.

Newsletter Subscription: Receive Animal information emails and share our Newsletter sign-up form with family & friends for further information on How Homoeopathy Works. 

Understanding Homoeopathy: Want to learn more about the philosophy of homoeopathy and deepen your understanding? Due to popular demand and designed to enrich and expand your home prescribing skills we will rerun our Understanding Homoeopathy monthly articles. Subscribe here today!

443 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 6104
P: 08 9277 9565   E: owen@h-e-c.com.au